Accessibility Awareness Sabbath, Oct. 17, 2020
Theme: “Mental Health in the Time of COVID-19”
Accessibility Awareness Day was a great success! You can see video of the event soon on our YouTube channel.
Join us for our fourth annual Accessibility Awareness Day. This year’s theme is: “Mental Health in the Time of COVID-19,” featuring Francisca Trexler, Associate Director of Three Angels Deaf Ministries and Chaplain at Gallaudet University. Francisca (herself Deaf) will preach in American Sign Language on how to emotionally survive the isolation and stress of COVID-19 as a Christian, and of course there will be voice interpretation. This worship service will also be live streamed at if you prefer to watch from the safety and comfort of your home.
There is more info on Facebook from SNEC Deaf Ministries.
About our speaker
Francisca Trexler, who is deaf, is Associate Director of Three Angels Deaf Ministries (the SDA Deaf ministry for the North American Division), where among her many responsibilities she manages the Deaf Bible School. She is also a Chaplain at Gallaudet University. Francisca is fluent in 4 languages (American Sign Language (ASL), English, Mexican Sign Language (MSL) and Spanish). Francisca has a Master's degree in Family and Marriage Therapy from the University of Nebraska.
She has served in many different roles in Deaf ministry in North America since 1980. She is the only Deaf counselor/therapist in all of the North America Division and perhaps in the entire General Conference. She has been a huge help to many of our DEAF members in need of counseling help throughout the years, and has been a much needed support as we have worked to expand our outreach to Deaf people living in the northeastern United States and across the NAD, most recently helping give Bible studies and us advance our goal of establishing a viable DEAF SDA church/ministry in the Bronx, New York City.