Mission Statement and Goals

What we want to accomplish as a church

Mission Statement

In 2019, the College Church conducted an extensive visioning process to determine how this faith community should move forward in the light of the closure of Atlantic Union College, from which we got our name and our mission. After much thought and deliberation, we voted to remain the College Church, but to turn our focus to community service, a theme which we heard over and over again from our members.

Church Mission

Through our love for God, we love others. As we grow in God, we grow together. By serving our community, we serve our God.

Church Motto

Love. Grow. Serve.

Church Vision



Working with God and our family for our community.

2023–2025 Goals

Goal 1

Actively engage CC children, youth, young adults, and adults in a variety of opportunities to deepen their faith relationship and outreach to our community.

Benchmarks for Goal 1:

  1. Engage appropriately each age grouping of the church in a yearlong theme of discipleship, to gain a deeper understanding of what answering the call to discipleship involves
  2. Cultivate a culture of praise, prayer, and study through weekly sermons, Bible studies and prayer services
  3. Facilitate CC Kids, CC Youth, and CC Young Adults in leading the main worship service at least four times each year
  4. Develop a structured outreach through centers of influence and a pipeline for nurturing of interested persons and new members
  5. Strengthen our digital evangelism through the establishment of a Communications Coordinator to effectively coordinate our outreach ministries
  6. Develop and utilize models of re-engagement for disengaged youth and non-attending adult members
  7. Design and implement a structured Bible study course to train leaders for future small group Bible study classes

Goal 2

Prioritize the education of CC children, youth, young adults to identify their abilities and to nurture their use of those abilities in providing love and service within and outside of the church.

Benchmarks for Goal 2:

  1. Provide CC Youth ages with opportunities to meet twice monthly for spiritual engagement
  2. Expand Vacation Bible School to include a youth focused summer event
  3. Fund and facilitate three major projects for the Pathfinders and Adventurers each year
  4. Create monthly opportunities to actively engage students attending public schools in spiritual growth and social connections
  5. Develop and utilize models of re-engagement for disengaged youth
  6. Provide annual spiritual and financial support to SLA students
  7. Provide weekly opportunities for Bible study and prayer for children ages 4-11
  8. Provide monthly opportunities for Bible study and prayer for high school age youth
  9. Engage youth in weekly church activities and services

Goal 3

Proactively engage in meeting the needs of our community.

Benchmarks for Goal 3:

  1. Meet with town administrators and business entities to identify community needs
  2. Work with at least two community agencies and businesses to help address the identified needs of the community
  3. Nurture and support individuals/families through quarterly and sustained health outreach programs
  4. Partner with at least two community agencies to provide health services and seminars
  5. Provide a variety of monthly social events for individuals to come together to build relationship and community
  6. Work with the Clinton, Lancaster, and Sterling SDA churches to coordinate and strengthen our efforts in community service