Book Club

Where book lovers can read and talk

Join with other book lovers

From Cameron Loss, our book club leader:

Our book club is dedicated to reading widely, exploring the world through a variety of eyes and cultures, and mostly about connecting people through great books. We aim to find something for everyone, and we hope that you will find books that encourage you to join us.

In our discussions, we believe that everyone deserves the right to be heard, and we encourage open minds, open ears, and open hearts. Please consider joining us, and know that you will be valued and heard. 

If you have any questions, please contact me. Otherwise, we hope to see you at our next discussion. Until then, happy reading!

Zoom passcode: 01561.

Meetings are at 7:00 PM. Here's the schedule for 2022-23:

College Church Authors

Several College Church members and former members are published authors. In no particular order: