Let's end abuse in all its forms—an annual event
From the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists:
Please help us spread the word about the 2020 Virtual Summit on Abuse. You can make a difference.
We hope to reach a wide audience and generate impact with this free online training summit. We are inviting you to become a social media ambassador for the 2020 End It Now virtual summit by sharing about your interest and involvement to your fans and followers using #enditnowNAD. Don’t hesitate to start now! We've prepared some suggestions, pre-made posts, images, links, and email copy for your convenience which you can download in our promotions packet of social media posts and images you can use or adapt for your community.
This online summit is aimed at pastors, church leaders, teachers, elders, volunteers, youth leaders, members, and the general public. Simply put, this conference is for everyone who is concerned about safety in our churches, schools, camps, and homes. We hope that our social media conversation engages the community, informing them about all forms of abuse, including domestic and sexual, and provides tools to help create safe churches and communities.
Abuse can happen anywhere, even in faith communities. You probably know someone who has suffered abuse. Pretending that abuse does not exist in "my church, school, community or home" only perpetuates its continuance. Learn what to do and how to help.
The 2020 Virtual Summit on Abuse (November 13) will provide valuable training that will equip and prepare you for when abuse occurs. You can make a difference. The 2020 keynote speaker will be Mary Demuth, author of “WeToo: How the Church can respond redemptively to the sexual abuse crisis." Click here to learn more about her.
Creating safe churches and communities starts with being informed. Together, we can keep the people in your church, school, camp, and community safe.
This year’s topics include:
- Abuse in Faith Communities - Mary DeMuth
- Church Toolkit: Practical Tips & Resources for Safe Churches and Schools - Rene Drumm
- How to Protect Children and Youth - Ingrid Slikkers
- Digging out of the Pit of Spiritual Abuse - Doug Tilstra
Registration is FREE for anyone who wishes to participate. All are welcome to register and watch. Learn more and register for this event below!
Please use your digital influence to help us spread the word about this important event! Click here to download a promotions packet of social media posts and images you can use or adapt for your community.