Food Drive Leader Needed
Food Drive Leader:
Commitment Duration: 2 years
Commitment Timing: May/June through November
Position Description:
Coordinate and manage the work associated with the yearly food drive including the following:
- Coordinate/manage volunteers needed to support this work
- Owner of Maps database – create and distribute
- Owner of recipient database – create and track recipients and addresses
- Coordinator/supervisor of volunteers to sort and pack holiday baskets – needs to be available in day
- Communications Lead – make announcements and other communications as needed
- Others as needed
- Coordinate/liaison with partners or assign leads for these:
- Vendors/Suppliers
i. Supplies
ii. Food
iii. Gift Cards
- Partners (WHEAT, partner churches, town fire dept, etc.)
i. To build list of recipients
ii. Include address, family size etc.
Rough Timeline:
Phase 1: Planning (May/June):
- Confirm: Mission, Scope and Goals for yearly drive
- Confirm volunteers
- Connect with Vendors for commitments
- Connect with Partners to establish relationships with partners
- Lock down and communicate timeframe for tasks
- Start collecting donations
- Coordinate/communicate with other churches participating in food drive
Phase 2: Preparing (July/August/Sept)
- Start collecting grocery bags from stores
- Create / Print instructions and staple to bags and bundling
- Start building database of maps – may reuse previous maps
- Start building database of recipients
- Continue collecting donations
- Continue working with partners and vendors
Phase 3: Operational (October/November)
- Drop off Bags and Pick up Bags coordination
- Collect donated foods from grocery stores, farms etc.
- Collect gift certificates
- Purchase foods that are needed
- Build boxes and sort foods
- Coordinate groups and people for sorting
- Drop off food boxes coordination
Phase 4: Close out
- Thank all participants and donors etc.
- Gather lessons learned – what worked well / what could be improved
Communicate to church throughout the project – next steps, what is needed etc.
Pics from Earlier Food Drives

Other info
Here are some reference documents in case you need them.