Here are materials we'll use in our Kids' Worship meeting. Please see our main Kids' Worship page for more information.
Materials for Aug. 28, 2021
We are excited to share our character study for the month of August: Humility. Please pray for Sofia as she prepares to share a special message with us! Also, please feel free to pass this message along to others who may be interested in knowing more about our kids' church services or have them email thevegannest@gmail.com to be added to our mailing list.
Whether in the story of the publican pleading for mercy (Luke 18:9-14) or the story of God's response to Nebuchadnezzar's boasting (Daniel 4:1–37), the Bible is full of examples of humility (or the lack thereof) and of God's grace. Recognizing our need for God's help and the help of others is one of life's greatest blessings.
We'll talk more about humility vs. pride and what it looks like in our individual lives, at home, at school, and in our neighborhoods during Kids' Worship on Sabbath, August 28. Our memory verse is James 4:6 and we will be exploring the following points:
- Humility helps me to see my true condition
- Humility helps me to have a teachable spirit
- Humility acknowledges those who help me to succeed
- Humility helps me to avoid boasting or bragging
I hope that you'll consider some of the following questions together as a family and enjoy searching God's word for the answers!
- How does God respond to humble people? (Psalm 10:17)
- What does God think of pride? (Proverbs 6:16–17)
- Whose responsibility is it to be humble, and whose responsibility is it to exalt? (Psalm 75:6–7, James 4:10.)
- Who is great in God’s Kingdom? (Matthew 18:4, Luke 22:26.)
- Whom am I to honor as better than myself? (Philippians 2:3, I Peter 2:17.)
Parent Food: The Cycle of Pride
- Stage 1: Success (Daniel 4:4)
- Stage 2: Warning (Daniel 4:5)
- Stage 3: Deception (Daniel 4:30)
- Stage 4: Downfall (Daniel 4:31)
Materials for July 31, 2021

Materials for June 26, 2021

Materials for May 29, 2021

Materials for Mar. 27, 2021

Materials for Feb. 27, 2021

Materials for Jan. 30, 2021