Worship Experience for Sabbath, Apr. 18, 2020

Worship with us even though we can't be together

Worship on Sabbath, Apr. 18

Just because the coronavirus is keeping us apart, it doesn't mean we can't worship together. See below for buttons to jump to what you want.

Please Note:

We're taking this opportunity to experiment with several different live streaming/video conferencing/teleconferencing options to see what works best. We'll find the runway and set this plane down eventually, we promise!

Sabbath School

Children's Sabbath School resources ONLINE

youth sabbath school with Cameron loss

Zoom Youth Sabbath School with Cameron starts at 10:00 AM. Meeting ID: 479-498-204.

adult sabbath school with RG3

GoToMeeting Adult Sabbath School Lesson with Ralph Gifford (access code: 703-055-853). They'll go live at 9:30 AM to allow you to test your connection and socialize. The class starts at 10:00.

  • If you don't have GoToMeeting, you'll need to click the link to download it. If that doesn't work, you can download it here.
  • You can also make a regular phone call to (646) 749-3112 (enter access code 703-055-853 on your phone keypad).

Adult sabbath school with Josephine robertson

Zoom Adult Sabbath School Class with Josephine starts at 10:00 (meeting ID: 308-126-005).

Adult sabbath school with pastor einar and roger prather

Adult Sabbath School Class with Pastor Einar and Roger Prather starts at 10:00 AM. Many thanks to Eliezer Ortiz and the Leominster Spanish church for letting us use their streaming setup.

Worship Service

Worship Service Live Stream starts at 11:15 AM. Again, many thanks to Eliezer Ortiz and Leominster Spanish for letting us use their live streaming setup.